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Are you opentofoster?

Call us on

0345 276 5555

Fostering is where the everyday means EVERYTHING

Have you thought about fostering a child in Glasgow? About changing a child’s life and helping them to flourish?

Is fostering something you have always thought or talked about? You don’t need to be certain before calling us – you only need to have a spare bedroom


If you’d like to find out more about fostering and adopting with Families for Children please call us on 0345 276 5555 or fill in this form and we’ll contact you.

Families for Children is the fostering and adoption service for Glasgow City HSCP and is the largest in Scotland, with a hugely experienced staff team and an outstanding level of training and support. So, you’ll know you’re in safe hands from the start.

What's Fostering Really Like?

Our foster carers and adopters do an incredible job of nurturing Glasgow’s children. There are people like you, who at one point wondered whether they could open their homes to a child and now know the immense benefits of fostering. If you’re #opentofostering or think you could be, take a look at our carers’ stories here to see how our extraordinary carers are ordinary people, just like you.

Transfer To Us

Are you already a foster carer? Are you aware that you can transfer between agencies? Here at Families for Children we support people who are already approved foster carers and wish to transfer to Glasgow and be part of the Families for Children team.

Glasgow is Scotland's largest local authority and the largest provider of foster care in the whole of the country. Families for Children (FFC) has a highly experienced staff team here to support you and the children who will be in your care.

If you are considering transferring to us to become part of the Families for Children team we have firm processes in place to support you with this every step of the way - and to ensure that any children or young people who you have in your care are also fully supported.

The process for transferring depends on your own circumstances, registration, and whether you have children placed with you.

You can find out more by calling us on 0345 276 5555.

Questions and Answers

Do I need to resign from my current fostering agency/local authority before beginning the process with Glasgow?

No, you do not have to resign. If you are already an approved carer and are considering fostering with Glasgow, please call us on 0345 276 5555. From there we will explain the process and will arrange to come out and visit you to discuss your application in further detail. Only then if you are happy to proceed would you inform your current agency/local authority, that you are considering transferring to Families for Children.

I have children/young people placed with me at the moment. Can I continue to look after them if I transfer to Glasgow?

Yes, if the children/young people are from Glasgow local authority. If they were from another local authority this would not be possible. Families For Children would not want any child in placement disrupted to facilitate a transfer however, if there are plans in place for a child to move through their care plan you can contact us and receive advice around transferring once that child moves on. Again, our team can advise further.

How long does the process take?

If you are an approved foster carer you will have already been previously assessed. You bring with you experience of fostering and a good understanding of the challenges that looked-after and accommodated children face. For these reasons, it is usually significantly quicker to progress the transfer of an approved carer, than it is to go through the process first time round. A Protocol meeting will be arranged with your current provider to discuss your fostering experiences to date and agree timescales for progressing the transfer. Your assessment will require to be updated by FFC and the mandatory checks and references would also be undertaken.

How quickly will I be able to begin looking after Glasgow's children?

As Scotland's largest local authority and the placing agency for Glasgow's children, we have a real need for foster carers, so that we can match our children with our own approved carers. This means that our carers are more likely to have children placed with them on a regular and ongoing basis than they may have experienced elsewhere.
That said, our carers can get respite and reflection between placements as and when required.